UTSS exhibition at Hull Maritime Museum. 31st October 2016.

On 31st October we set out the first of our exhibitions being held in the Hull Maritime Museum, leading up to the Hull City of Culture next year. The exhibition features a general snapshot of stories relating to the early years of UTC and the founding companies, going right up to the early nineties when the company ceased trading.
Obviously the extent of the exhibition is dictated by the space available and unfortunately that is very limited, being only the public gallery that was used some years earlier for an exhibition by Pete Bass. However I think we’ve done an excellent job and I hope that all members who are able will visit the museum to see the results of our labours. At least the museum staff said they were impressed so we must have done something right!
Obviously our thanks must go to Pete Bass, ably assisted by Nev Gray, who between them provided all of the content and exhibits.
I’ve attached a couple of photos to show what we did but to see the full extent please go down to the museum and see for yourself first hand. We have the space until the end of February next year. We may or may not change the exhibits around New Year but no firm decision has been made on that as I write.
For those who do manage to get there we will be pleased to see your comments (good or bad) on the website.