Yet again the weather played a major part in the Veteran’s Weekend, on Saturday 27th – 28th July. Saturday was not a great day, Sunday was a lot better.
We set up a large part of the display on Friday evening. Mike did a great job hanging the information and history boards in position, Eddie with his usual eye for perfection made sure everything was correctly positioned to the inch/cent.
Pete and myself carried out our instructions from above to the letter of the law. Ray as usual came out with very sensible answers to any cock-ups, sorry, mistakes we made. The tug models were put in position on the Saturday morning as was Mike’s table with his wares on.
Mike became a happy-chappie selling the Society’s goods and anything he could get his hands on, thanks to Marlene in keeping the mob supplied with food, mainly Pete. Sheila came to East Park on the Saturday afternoon and did her bit.
There was a lot of interest shown with our displays. The Falkland War and World War 2.
I would like to thank all the committee and members for their efforts and time given to promoting our society.
All the members who attended the Sea Shanty Festival at the Marina and not the Veteran’s weekend with us, will be shot, survivors will be shot again. Enjoy the rest of the summer.

Can I interest you in a pen?

A brief period with no customers!